Monday, March 7, 2011

Twixy - Thing #46

Part 1 - Developing a twixy was very easy which I liked and it's always fun to be able to change the colors and scheme to make it truly your own. But I was disappointed by the size of the board on my monitor. It was long and narrow as I was creating it. Maybe there was a place to resize it, but I couldn't find it. I was disappointed that I couldn't change the angle of my pictures rather than simply move and/or rotate them. And I was only able to resize the "notes" from the corners rather than from a side at a time. So I felt it was somewhat constraining after working so much with Publisher.  But then if you're not an organized person to begin with, maybe those aren't even issues for you.

I, too, think that if people have the opportunity to make changes to the Twixy, they should have to leave their identity. Otherwise they could ruin the entire Twixy in no time at all.

Part 2 - Since the focus of my work is for patients, there would be no need for this or any other Internet website in our library, but I can really see the advantages for those who do use it. I can foresee libraries making sites like this one to present new materials and services and patrons adding their comments. It would be great for our consortium  because we're spread out across the state and we could compile ideas on a project or subject. I've always liked the brainstorming concept and this would be a great tool. As you already know, I used it to advertise our library and hopefully have it set up so no one can change or view without a password. That's really only because it's an assignment.

I did make an additon on the commision's Twixy about learning more about e-readers because they have so many bells and whistles and most librarians I've talked to, don't know a thing about them. Maybe even some safe websites for downloads would be great information to have.


  1. Well, I find myself rereading this blog I just wrote and had to laugh when I saw I entitled it Twixy!! That's what I get for trying to do two things at once. I meant to write "Stixy"

  2. I forgot to add the password as part of my assignment for the Stixy, so here it is: NRCPt.Libr.

  3. Hi Ellen - I would love to look at your Stixyboard, but I need the URL :)
