Friday, May 21, 2010

Thing #36 Flickr Revisted reflections

As I viewed the beautiful, creative photographs from LPL I too felt as though I knew something more about the community of Two Rivers, the library and its staff. I especially loved the huge poster on display in the library composed of all the smaller pictures. What a wonderful way to let people know exactly what the library is all about. It is truly amazing how just one small idea can spark the imagination of not only that person, but also everyone else who is exposed to it. 

It is plain to see that LPL has become an indespensable part of Two Rivers through the work of just one man with a vision. I think we can all learn a valuable lesson from that.

Seeing this presenation makes me think of the old saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words." Pictures do speak volumes and why not use them as well as videos or any other media to get the message out about libraries and what they do. If I were in a public library setting I can see myself deep into these kinds of projects to raise awareness of library programming, community activities, etc. Unfortunately, I work in a special library setting where pictures are not allowed to be taken and patrons do not have access to the Internet. This really limits what I do on Flickr, but hopefully, just being a part of this blog and getting invovled on a professional level on some of the other sites connected with WebJunction, will spark new ideas I can utilize.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ellen, I think you were right when you said "A picture is worth a thousand words." That is so true when you look at all of the photos from LPL.

    It's too bad that you can't put a display together like this but I can understand why it would not work in your library.
